„We were faced with the challenge of quickly finding suitable personell before the start of operations. Thousands of applications were received following the publication of the offers and, thanks to the tests offered by Schuhfried, the applicants were selected in a limited period of time and with great efficiency, so that we consider the cooperation with Schuhfried as crucial for the timely commissioning of the terminal.“
Abderrahmane Brahim Cheikh Sidiya,
HR Manager
Initial situation
ARISE Mauritania began the construction of the container terminal at the port of Nouakchott, Mauritania. Such a large terminal with a 22 hectare container park and corresponding warehouses requires skilled personnel in a wide variety of areas.
ARISE Mauritania therefore contacted SCHUHFRIED to use the Vienna Test System to identify 300 to 500 candidates for various positions in their container port in a time-efficient manner.

Project Aim & Challenge
There was a need for people in management, operations and for operating cranes, forklift trucks and harbour tugs. For these different positions with extremely divergent job descriptions, the first step was to define the necessary abilities and strengths so that the appropriate FIT value could be measured. Subsequently, the positions were then to be filled with the best candidates in a time-efficient manner.
At the same time, all relevant dimensions needed to be assessed without special hardware.
After an initial selection of the applications based on their CV, the people who met the requirements were then invited to an on-site test.
There, the people took a test that was specifically tailored to measure the relevant skills. General cognitive abilities, technical understanding and spatial orientation skills were assessed.
The results were summarised in a FIT score, which was defined in advance together with SCHUHFRIED. Subsequently all results were sorted using the SCHUHFRIED Ranking Module. This made it possible to quickly and objectively recognise the best people.
Solution & Outcome
- Efficient, automated test procedure
- Defined FIT value enables quick ranking
- Selection of objectively suitable persons
The result:
- Timely commissioning of the newly constructed container terminal with qualified personnel!
The digital psychological tests saved many hours of administrative work and therefore costs. With the VTS now on site, people can be efficiently tested on an ongoing basis and optimally employed according to their abilities.
- Joint venture between Arise and the French investment fund Méridiam
- Specialising in the development of infrastructures
- 22ha container park
- Three warehouses with a 10.000 m2 area
- Enables the berthing of container ships with 50,000 DWT