Auch 2021 dürfen sich wieder 3 Forschende über einen SCHUHFRIED Science Award und das damit verbundene Preisgeld von 500€ freuen.
Science Award 2021

Cristina Delgado-Alonso
Cristina Delgado-Alonso is investigating the cognitive impairments that can occur as a long-term consequence of COVID-19
Patients suffering from post-acute COVID syndrome often also report cognitive complaints, but their characteristics and genesis are largely unknown. The aim of the study “Cognitive dysfunction associated with COVID-19: A comprehensive neuropsychological study” was therefore to investigate the frequency, severity and characteristics of cognitive impairment in patients after COVID-19 disease. In addition, the relationship between cognitive and other psychological (anxiety, depression) and physical symptoms (sleep, olfactory function) was of interest. In order to measure the cognitive impairments as comprehensively as possible, a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery with tests (RT, DT, COG and WAF) and test sets (COGBAT) from the Vienna Test System was used.
COVID-19 patients showed cognitive impairments in the domains of long-term memory, working memory, reaction inhibition, processing speed and attention compared to healthy individuals.
Cristina Delgado-Alonso et al. (2021). Cognitive dysfunction associated with COVID-19: a comprehensive neuropsychological study [preprint].
Frederick R. J. Vinckenbosch fokussiert sich auf die Fahrleistung bei Intoxikation mit Benzodiazepin und akuten klinischen Beschwerden, die damit einhergehen könnten.
„An explorative approach to understanding individual differences in driving performance and neurocognition in long-term benzodiazepine users“ baut auf früheren Untersuchungen auf, die über kognitive und psychomotorische Beeinträchtigungen bei Langzeitkonsumenten von Benzodiazepin-Rezeptor-Agonisten (BZRA) berichten.
Dafür wurden die neurokognitiven und fahrtechnischen Leistungen von Langzeit-BZRA-Konsumenten mit geschätzten Plasmakonzentrationen über (n=19; CBZRA+) bzw. unter (n=31; CBZRA-) der therapeutischen Schwelle mit denen von gesunden Kontrollpersonen (n=76) verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass die Langzeitnutzer von Benzodiazepinen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe insbesondere Beeinträchtigungen in der Reaktions- bzw. Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit und Daueraufmerksamkeit hatten (u.a. gemessen mit DT und RT).
Vinckenbosch, F.R.J. et al. (2021), An explorative approach to understanding individual differences in driving performance and neurocognition in long-term benzodiazepine users. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 36, e2778.

Frederick R. J. Vinckenbosch

Marah Butzbach
For Marah Butzbach, ADHD patients and the self-perception of their cognitive functions are the focus of interest
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults is associated with marked cognitive impairment. Although there is already some evidence on this, there is little research on metacognition in this patient group. This is all the more remarkable considering that deficits in metacognition can have a negative impact on treatment adherence, functional outcomes and daily life.
In the study “Metacognition in adult ADHD: Subjective and objective perspectives on self-awareness of cognitive functioning”, 47 patients with ADHD and 47 control subjects were examined using neuropsychological tests on attention, executive functions and memory (objective assessment) and also answered questionnaires on cognitive performance and the severity of symptoms (subjective assessment; self- and peer assessment).
For objective assessment, the tests WAFS, VIGIL, TMT-L, NBV, TOL-F, GET and FLEI of the Vienna Test System were used, among others. Here, deficits in long-term memory, vigilance and selective attention were shown. Impairments in metacognition, i.e. a discrepancy between objective and subjective assessment, occurred particularly in attentional performance.
Butzbach, M., et al. (2021). Metacognition in adult ADHD: Subjective and objective perspectives on self-awareness of cognitive functioning. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128, 939–955.
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